Item/Sea Pig

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A Sea Pig is an unsating food item that can be eaten by the player, at high risk of inflicting Hunger.


Mob loot

Sea Pigs are the only mob to always drop 1 Sea Pig in its item form upon death. This maximum amount cannot be increased with Looting.



Similarly to most other food items, pressing and holding down right-click while holding a Sea Pig will make you begin eating it. Eating it will restore 1 (🍗) hunger and 0.4 hunger saturation. However, it will also have a 70% chance to inflict you with 1:00 minute of the hunger status effect when eaten.

Crafting ingredient

Sea Pig are primarily collected as a crafting ingredient to craft the vastly more nutritious Deep Sea Sushi Roll.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Deep Sea Sushi Roll Dried Kelp +
Lanternfish +
Sea Pig +


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.2 Fixed Sea Pigs not having hunger and saturation bonus from Primordial Armor Set.