Bucket of Radgill

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A Bucket of Radgill is a Radgill inside of a Bucket of Acid.


A Bucket of Radgill can be obtained by using a Bucket of Acid on a Radgill. Once a Bucket of Acid is used, the Radgill is picked up along with the Acid source block.



Pressing the use button with a Bucket of Radgill places an Acid source block, and spawns the Radgill back into the world, leaving an empty bucket inside the player's inventory.

Radgill caught in buckets then released do not despawn, unlike mobs that naturally spawn in aquatic environments.

If a Bucket of Radgill is named a certain name through an anvil, the Radgill inside displays that name as if it were named with a name tag. Alternatively, if a named Radgill is captured with a bucket of acid, the resulting Bucket of Radgill shares the name with the captured Radgill.


If a Bucket of Radgill is placed inside a dispenser, the dispenser spawns the Radgill and Acid block in front of it upon activation, leaving an empty bucket inside. Dispensers cannot pick up Radgill with Buckets of Acid (the bucket is emptied).


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.2 Fixed Buckets of Radgill not being placed by dispensers.


  • Unlike the Buckets of Mobs added by the base game, Alex's Caves implements Buckets of Mobs by overlaying an item sprite of the mob onto a regular bucket.
    • Due to this, Buckets of Mobs added by Alex's Caves don't have the pixel consistency of being lowered by 1 pixel due to the weight of the mob inside.