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Submarine is a vehicle entity that can be driven underwater, granting its rider water breathing. It can be found naturally in the Oxidized Seabase in the Abyssal Chasms, or it can be made by creating the formation shown below

A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms with its lights on.
A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms with its lights on.
A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms with its lights off.
A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms with its lights off.


A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms being manned.
A Submarine in the Abyssal Chasms being manned.



The Floodlight activated using the Special Ability Key (Default G) projects a light directed towards the rider's cursor, subsequently Hullbreakers become aggressive towards the vehicle. The Jump Key ascends the Submarine while Left Control descends it.


Copper ingots can be used on damaged Submarines to restore their health. Lost health is indicated by cracks present on the Submarine.


While a Submarine is submerged in water it will oxidize over time, this has no effect on its stats or behavior. Using a honeycomb on the Submarine waxes it, preventing it from oxidizing further.


  • When the Submarine is destroyed, it will drop Copper Ingots.