Desolate Dagger

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The Desolate Dagger is a magically imbued melee weapon capable of summoning ghostly variations of itself that deal extra damage to targets.


Mob loot

Underzealots are the only mob capable of dropping the Desolate Dagger upon death. The drop is relatively rare, with only a 2.5% chance of dropping. Looting can increase this chance by 1% per level however, with a maximum drop chance of 5.5% with Looting III.


Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Damaged Desolate Dagger
Damaged Desolate DaggerDamaged Desolate Dagger
Desolate Dagger
The durability of the two desolate daggers is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

Desolate Daggers may also be repaired on an anvil by using Pure Darkness or another desolate dagger. Grindstones may also be used in place of anvils, but desolate daggers will only be able to be repaired with another desolate dagger.



Like all other melee weapons, pressing left-click while holding a Desolate Dagger will deal damage to both mobs and other players. It's main damage output is relatively weak, with it only dealing 4♥♥ damage per hit but compensates for this with its fast attack speed of 2 (equating to a cooldown of only 0.5 seconds per attack). The Desolate Daagger will lose 1 durability each time its used to hit a mob or player.

When a Desolate Dagger is used to attack an enemy, a red, ghostly variation of itself will be summoned - looming over its target at an angle for 1 to 1.5 seconds and emitting red particles. After this time has passed, it will subtly rear itself back before hastily lashing at its target, dealing 2♥ damage upon making direct contact.


All weapons and tools added by Alex's Caves have unique enchantments that exclusively only apply for them. Unlike regular enchantments, these ones by default (without changing config settings) do not increase the pool of enchantments you can receive from any loot tables, and instead can only be obtained from enchanting the exclusive item they apply to in an Enchanting Table.

The Desolate Dagger has 3 exclusive enchantments.

Impending Stab

Common enchantment that increases damage of summoned ghostly daggers by 2♥ damage per level, at the price of taking longer to lash at its target. Has levels from I-III. Incompatible with Double Stab Enchantment.

Sated Blade

Common enchantment that increases level of saturation of wielder when summoned ghostly dagger hits its target, with more increase of saturation per level. Has levels from I-II.

Double Stab

Rare enchantment that summons two ghostly, red daggers simultaneously when Desolate Dagger is used to hit an enemy. Does not have any higher level besides I. Incompatible with Impending Stab Enchantment.


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.0 Added enchantments Impending Stab, Sated Blade, and Double Stab for the Desolate Dagger.
1.1.4 Fixed Sated Blade enchantment not increasing saturation level of its user.


  • Despite being posted in the changelogs of Alex's Caves v1.1.4 that the Sated Blade enchantment has been fixed, it still does not increase the saturation level of its user at all.