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Fertilizer is an item that can be used as a stronger variant of bone meal.



Fertilizer needs to crafted from two pieces of guano and one piece of bone meal.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bone Meal +


Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Thornwood Sapling Fertilizer +
Thornwood Branch
Thornwood BranchThornwood BranchFertilizer
Thornwood Sapling


Fertilizer can be used to grow the exact same plants as regular bone meal can, except it will be much stronger. Fertilizer being used to grow plants will be consumed.

Plant Action with Fertilizer
BlockSprite wheat.png Wheat
BlockSprite carrots.png Carrots
BlockSprite potatoes.png Potatoes
BlockSprite beetroots.png Beetroots
BlockSprite cocoa.png Cocoa
BlockSprite sweet-berry-bush.png Sweet Berry Bush
BlockSprite hanging-mangrove-propagule.png Mangrove Propagule (hanging)
BlockSprite torchflower-crop-2.png Torchflower Crop
BlockSprite pitcher-crop.png Pitcher Crop
The plant will immediately grow to its maximum stage and be ready to harvest.
BlockSprite bamboo.png Bamboo Grows the bamboo by 4-8 stems until it reaches its maximum height.
BlockSprite melon-stem.png Melon Stem
BlockSprite pumpkin-stem.png Pumpkin Stem
The planted stem will immediately grow to its maximum stage - however, it will still not make it sprout melons or pumpkins like regular bone meal.
BlockSprite all-saplings.png Saplings
BlockSprite azalea.png Azalea
BlockSprite flowering-azalea.png Flowering Azalea
BlockSprite mangrove-propagule.png Mangrove Propagule (not hanging)
Immediately grows the sapling or propagule into its corresponding tree unless improper ground or insufficient space is available, in which case the Fertilizer will be wasted upon use.
BlockSprite sunflower.png Sunflower
BlockSprite lilac.png Lilac
BlockSprite rose-bush.png Rose Bush
BlockSprite peony.png Peony
BlockSprite curly-fern.png Curly Fern
BlockSprite flytrap.png Flytrap
Four of the corresponding item form drops, without destroying the original plant.
BlockSprite mushrooms.png Mushrooms Immediately grows into a huge mushroom if on a grass block, dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, farmland, podzol, mycelium, moss block, mud, or muddy mangrove roots.
BlockSprite sea-pickle.png Sea Pickle If the sea pickle is on a coral block and in water at least 2 blocks deep, the maximum amount of sea pickles able placed on one block will grow, and many other additional pickles will generate nearby.
BlockSprite all-fungi.png Fungi Immediately grows into huge fungi, but only if on its respective nylium.
BlockSprite glow-lichen.png Glow Lichen Will spread to all four straight sides of the original glow lichen block, if a glow lichen is able to be placed in those areas.
BlockSprite big-dripleaf.png Big Dripleaf If used on the big dripleaf plant itself, it will only grow 1 block higher. However, if used on the big dripleaf stem, it will grow 4 blocks higher.
BlockSprite pink-petals.png Pink Petals Produces the equivalent of if four bone meal were to be used on a pink petal block. Meaning if there were only one pink petal on a single block, a single Fertilizer will grow three more pink petals on the same block and drop one item of itself.

Wasting fertilizer

Fertilizer can be wasted in the same situations as bone meal can, however can also be wasted on particular plants where it does no extra effect bone meal already does:


1.0.0 Introduced.