Forlorn Hollows

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The Forlorn Hollows are the fifth cave biome added by Alex's Caves.

The Forlorn Hollows is an underground cavern system engulfed by pure darkness.

Almost no light shines here, as the biome is shrouded with an unnaturally thick layer of darkness.

The large subterranean mammals native to the Forlorn Hollows have deposited enough Guano over time for it to petrify into a kind of rock - Guanostone. Some of this has also turned into another rock, Coprolith.

Poking through this terrain is the occasional Peering Coprolith - an ever-present reminder that the many eyes in the dark are always watching. Strangling through the floor and the roof of the Forlorn Hollows are Thornwood Trees (or at least what remains of them).

Although it may seem enticing to light up this gloomy place, care must be taken when placing light sources - as they can attract unwanted attention.

All the fauna that resides within in the Forlorn Hollows have been twisted by its dark influences, but some have been subjected to even darker powers. Even now, some beings there call forth even darker brethren from otherwordly shadows...



Forlorn Canyon

A technical structure used for custom cave generation called alexscaves:forlorn_canyon that gives the Forlorn Hollows their distinct canyon-like appearance. This generation creates the layered vertical walls that make up the Forlorn environment.



The primary stone found makes up most of the Forlorn Hollows. It is the result of guano being petrified over long periods of time, eventually creating this hardened state. Semi-commonly, you may find that Guanostone is peppered with a new variant of Redstone Ore. Corprolith can be used to craft an attractive-looking new palette, including bricks and a chiseled variant.


Corprolith is another block that makes up the Forlorn Hollows, similarly to Guanostone, it is made up primarily of guanostone. Semi-commonly, you may find that Corprolith has a new variant of Coal Ore, as well as a variant known as "Peering Corprolith," a chilling reminder that something will always be watching you.






  • Forlorn Bridge
  • Forlorn Posts
  • Forlorn Ruins
  • Underzealot Borough
