Sea Staff

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The Sea Staff is a highly magical ranged weapon that utilizes summoning powerful bolts of water to damage enemies.



The Sea Staff can be obtained from bartering with a Deep One Mage, which has a 4.01% chance to place it on an Abyssal Altar in exchange for a Pearl or Heart of the Sea.


Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Damaged Sea Staff
Damaged Sea StaffDamaged Sea Staff
Sea Staff
The durability of the two Sea Staffs is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

Sea Staffs may also be repaired on an anvil or grindstone with another Sea Staff.



Pressing right-click while having a Sea Staff in hand will cause it cast one magical water bolt in the direction the player is facing. There is no charging time or cooldown for casting these water bolts, meaning they can be fired fast as the player can click. However, the Sea Staff will lose 1 durability each time it is used to fire a water bolt.

These cast water bolts will act very similarly to a water bolt cast from a Deep One Mage. Both of these magical projectiles will arc toward any mob or player except the user in a large radius, be unaffected when traveling through water, and create a damaging splash that deals 3♥♥ damage to any enemy in a 2 block radius upon hitting the ground. However, water bolts fired from a Sea Staff will not inflict the Bubbled effect to hit targets without the use of the Enveloping Bubble enchantment.

Even though one can use the Sea Staff to cast their own water bolts, one still must be wary of how they can damage themselves if they're caught in their own summoned bolt's splash radius.


All weapons and tools added by Alex's Caves have unique enchantments that exclusively only apply for them. Unlike regular enchantments, these ones by default (without changing config settings) do not increase the pool of enchantments you can receive from any loot tables, and instead can only be obtained from enchanting the exclusive item they apply to in an Enchanting Table.

The Sea Staff has 5 exclusive enchantments.

Enveloping Bubble

Rare enchantment that grants ability for water bolts fired from Sea Staff to inflict the Bubbled effect for 10 seconds to any enemy damaged from its splash. Does not have any higher level besides I.

Bouncing Bolt

Rare enchantment that makes water bolt richochet off a hit target and arc towards another nearby enemy. Does not have any higher level besides I. Incompatible with Triple Splash Enchantment.

Soak Seeking

Rare enchantment that improves speed of water bolts when arcing towards an enemy, with bigger increase of speed per level. Has levels from I-III.

Triple Splash

Rare enchantment that grants ability for Sea Staff to cast three water bolts at a time instead of only one. Does not have any higher level besides I. Incompatible with Bouncing Bolt Enchantment.


Very rare enchantment that slowly heals the durability of Sea Staff when wielder is in any source of water, waterlogged block or exposed to rain. Does not have any higher level besides I.


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.0 Added enchantments Enveloping Bubble, Bouncing Bolt, Soak Seeking, Triple Splash, and Seapairing for the Sea Staff.


  • As of Alex's Caves v1.1.4, the Seapairing enchantment is bugged and will immediately restore all of the Sea Staff's durability if the user is in any of the appropriate conditions.