Primordial Caves

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The Primordial Caves is second cave biome added by Alex's Caves.

The Primordial Caves have been isolated from the rest of the world for untold millennia - perhaps for tens of millions of years. This isolation has led to the limestone-laden caves to have unique geology, flora and fauna, that have gone extinct elsewhere in the world ages ago.

The subterranean biome is kept well-lit by Ambersol, a novel form of amber that illuminates all blocks beneath it. It appears within amber clusters on the ceiling of these massive caves.

This illuminating power gives the entire biome a brightness equivalent to daytime on the surface, explaining the lack of monsters and the large, prehistoric plants growing in this biome.

Chiefly among these are the Pewen Trees that cover the landscape - alongside Ancient Jungle Trees, Curly Ferns, Cycads and Flytraps. The ground is covered with moss and grass, and muddy lakes appear across the cave floor.

Just because this prehistoric paradise lacks monsters does not make it fully safe to explore, however...


The Primordial Caves has an ambient light level that is rendered by minecraft in a similar way that the nether and end dimensions do. Other Alex's Caves biomes, like the Toxic Caves, have this effect too, but none to the extent of the primordial caves, which are only slightly darker than daytime on the surface. This effect is toggle-able in the config and effected by the in game 'Brightness' setting.

The primordial caves also feature a noticeable yellow fog that adds to their mystique.

When inside the primordial caves, distant calls of birds and dinosaurs can be heard.


The entirety of the rock of the primordial caves is made up of Limestone with thinner layers of sandstone between it. On the ceiling of these caves, Archaic Vines hang down next to Amber clusters.

Dino Bowl

A technical structure used in this cave called the alexscaves:dino_bowl carves out the massive open spaces of the Primordial Caves.

Primal Volcano



The spawn table for monsters and animals is empty for this biome. All creatures that spawn in the Primordial Caves are of the spawn table cave_creature, which is similar to animals in that they mostly spawn when a chunk is loaded. Unlike the animal spawn table, cave_creature will only spawn mobs underneath the surface.

MobSpawn weightGroup size
Water ambient category
Cave creature category


