Raw Azure Neodymium

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Raw Azure Neodymium is one of two types of Raw Neodymium that is obtained from mining Azure Neodymium Nodes or Pillars, as well as loot from Magnetic Ruins loot chests.



Azure Neodymium Nodes mined with a stone pickaxe or higher drops 2-5 units of Raw Azure Neodymium. If the pickaxe is enchanted with Fortune, it can drop an extra unit per level of Fortune, however it is capped at 5 pieces of Raw Azure Neodymium dropping from one block. If the node is mined with a pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch, it drops the node block instead.

Azure Neodymium Pillars mined with a stone pickaxe or higher has a 10% chance to drop 1-2 units of Raw Azure Neodymium. If the pickaxe is enchanted with Fortune I, the chance of dropping Raw Azure Neodymium is increased to 14.29%, Fortune II increases the drop chance to 25%, and Fortune III guarantees Raw Azure Neodymium dropping.

Mob loot

Teletor will drop 1-2 units of either Raw Azure Neodymium or Raw Scarlet Neodymium upon death. Looting can increase this amount by 1 per level, with a maximum of 5 pieces of Raw Azure Neodymium with Looting III. This makes Teletor the only renewable source of either type of Neodymium.

Chest loot

Magnetic Ruins occasionally generating within the Magnetic Caves have loot chests with a 9.7% chance to contain Raw Azure Neodymium.


Raw Azure Neodymium can be forged into Azure Neodymium Ingots, or can be used to craft a variety of the natural azure blocks found in the Magnetic Caves.

Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Azure Energized Galena Galena +
Raw Azure Neodymium
GalenaGalenaGalenaGalenaRaw Azure NeodymiumGalenaGalenaGalenaGalena
Azure Energized Galena
Azure Neodymium Ingot Iron Ingot +
Raw Azure Neodymium
Raw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure Neodymium
Azure Neodymium Ingot
Azure Neodymium Node Raw Azure Neodymium
Raw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure NeodymiumRaw Azure Neodymium
Azure Neodymium Node
Azure Neodymium Pillar Raw Azure Neodymium


1.0.0 Raw Azure Neodymium.png Introduced.