Vesper Stew

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Vesper Stew is a food item that inflicts the night vision effect upon being eaten.



Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bowl +
Brown Mushroom +
Thornwood Branch +
Vesper Wing
Thornwood BranchVesper Wing
Vesper Stew



Similarly to most other food items, pressing and holding down right-click while holding Vesper Stew will make you begin eating it. Eating it will restore 5 (🍗🍗🍗) hunger and 3 hunger saturation along with inflicting you with the night vision effect for 2:00 minutes.

After eating, the empty bowl remains, similarly to other soups and stews.


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.0.5 Fixed Vesper Stew being stackable.
1.0.9 Fixed Vesper Stew not returning a bowl when consumed.