Pine Nuts

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Pine Nuts are food items that have a chance to be dropped by Pewen Branches when broken. While they can be eaten, they are primarily used for crafting Serene Salad.


Block loot

Pewen Branches have a 7.5% chance of dropping Pine Nuts when broken. Breaking these branches with a tool enchanted with Fortune increases the chance of dropping Pine Nuts: 15% with Fortune I, 25% with Fortune II, and 30% with Fortune III.

Chest loot

Caveman Houses occasionally generating within the Primordial Caves have loot chests with a 7.3% chance to contain Pine Nuts.



Similarly to most other food items, pressing and holding down right-click while holding Pine Nuts will make you begin eating them. Eating one unit of Pine Nuts restores 2 (🍗) hunger and 0.7 saturation.


Pine Nuts are primarily used to craft Serene Salad.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bowl +
Fiddlehead +
Pine Nuts +
Tree Star
FiddleheadTree StarPine Nuts
Serene Salad


Placing Pine Nuts into a composter has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1. A stack of Pine Nuts yields an average of 4.57 bone meal.


1.0.0 Introduced.