Cooked Tripodfish

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Cooked Tripodfish is the cooked variant of Tripodfish in its item form. Unlike its raw variant, it cannot be be made into Deep Sea Sushi Rolls.


Mob loot

Tripodfish will always drop 1 Cooked Tripodfish if killed while on fire. The maximum amount cannot be increased with Looting.


Ingredients Smelting recipe
Tripodfish +
any fuel

Cooked Tripodfish0.15



Similarly to most other food items, pressing and holding down right-click while holding a Cooked Tripodfish will make you begin eating it. Eating it will restore 5 (🍗🍗🍗) hunger and 3.4 hunger saturation.


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.3 Rebalanced to restore 5 hunger and 3.4 hunger saturation.
1.1.4 Fixed Cooked Tripodfish being eaten very fast.