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The Ortholance is a strange and unique weapon that is capable of flinging its user short distances whilst dealing damage to surrounding enemies.



The Ortholance can be obtained from bartering with a Deep One Knight, which has a 4.05% chance to place it on an Abyssal Altar in exchange for a Pearl or a Heart of the Sea.


Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Damaged Ortholance
Damaged OrtholanceDamaged Ortholance
The durability of the two Ortholances is added together, plus an extra 5% durability.

Ortholances may also be repaired on an anvil or grindstone with another Ortholance.



Like all other melee weapons, pressing left-click while holding an Ortholance will deal damage to both mobs and other players. An Ortholance will deal 6♥♥♥ melee damage, and has an attack speed of 1.6 (equating to a cooldown of only 0.6 seconds per attack). Ortholances lose 1 durability every time they're used for attacking.


Pressing and holding the use button while having an Ortholance in hand will cause it to charge up as if it were a spear or trident. However unlike a spear or trident, releasing the use button will cause the Ortholance's user to be flung in the direction they were facing. This charge determines how far the user will be flung, with them being approximately launched 12 blocks in distance when the weapon is fully charged. Despite this distance however, the Ortholance cannot launch the player long distances vertically. If the player had been flung from a fully charged Ortholance, any enemy that comes in contact will be dealt 5♥♥♥ damage and some knockback.

Along with the launching the player when charged, the Ortholance will also summon 4-9 waves around front and sides of the player when fully charged. These waves will travel a short distance before dissolving into the ground, also dealing 5♥♥♥ damage and noticeable knockback to any entity caught within. Only Ortholances that were fully charged will lose 1 durability when launching the player.


All weapons and tools added by Alex's Caves have unique enchantments that exclusively only apply for them. Unlike regular enchantments, these ones by default (without changing config settings) do not increase the pool of enchantments you can receive from any loot tables, and instead can only be obtained from enchanting the exclusive item they apply to in an Enchanting Table.

The Ortholance has 4 exclusive enchantments.

Second Wave

Rare enchantment that summons and launches 2-9 extra waves after launching the first waves. Does not have any higher level besides I. Incompatible with Tsunami Enchantment.


Common enchantment that increases the distance flung from the Ortholance, with distances increasing approximately 1-3 blocks per level. Has levels from I-III.

Sea Swing

Rare enchantment that grants the ability for the Ortholance to summon one small wave that launches directly in front of the player when being used as a melee weapon. Does not have any higher level besides I.


Very rare enchantment that replaces launching multiple small waves for one huge wave that launches directly in front of the player. This wave travels much further than the Ortholance's regular waves and deals 7♥♥♥♥ damage along with extreme knockback to any entities caught within it. Does not have any higher level besides I. Incompatible with Second Wave enchantment.


1.0.0 Introduced.
1.1.0 Added enchantments Second Wave, Flinging, Sea Swing, and Tsunami for the Ortholance.