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A Tremorzilla is a gigantic, player-created, and highly destructive and resilient neutral mob that can be tamed and mounted. It has a devastating energy beam attack that can kill almost any living thing in seconds and blast through the terrain.

Cave Compendium Entry

"The Tremorzilla is most certainly a mythical creature, for it has yet to be observed in the flesh. This dinosaur has been enlarged and empowered to a ridiculous degree by radiation. Unlike other prehistoric reptiles, the egg of this beast can be assembled from the remains of other legendary monsters from the deepest reaches of the Overworld. This glowing egg is strange in numerous ways. It does not hatch given all the time in the world, unlike other eggs. The exact way of encouraging it to open has been lost to the legends of the past - but it is likely it involves some kind of tremendous explosion. Despite the descriptions of its fearsome appearance and strength, it appears that Tremorzilla does not harbor malice towards other living things - at least initially. It is said to be quick to anger. Tremorzilla is so large that it may even unknowingly step on lesser creatures, and create ensuing conflict. When in battle, the beast uses its large claws to slash at prey, and often takes huge bites with its massive maw. It can also turn and swing its tail around to inflict a devastating blow, or raise one of its feet high in the air, only for it to come slamming down. But the most feared attack of all is its beam of pure energy. This begins with the massive plates on the back of the Tremorzilla beginning to glow an irradiated green and sinking into the beast. Once all plates are activated, the Tremorzilla rears its colossal head back and unleashes an emanation of pure power. This beam can melt through nearly anything and reach a hundred blocks in length. Due to the devastating effects of the beam and other attacks, one should attempt to befriend the Tremorzilla before it destroys them - knowingly or not. It is said that only the bravest can tame the Tremorzilla - but they must be feeding it an item so radioactive that it is extremely dangerous to even hold - one that if destroyed in any other way leaves a dangerous emanation of radiation. Those that are able to ally with the beast can command it to follow, stay and wander, like its dinosaur kin. It can also be ridden, and is said to give control of its devastating breath attack to its rider. Despite no living Tremorzilla being seen, they are theorized to be bred with another by consuming the most powerful explosive devices known..."

- Dr. Prof. Alexander Caverns, PhD.


A Tremorzilla is spawned by triggering a Nuclear Bomb or Nucleeper explosion on a Tremorzilla Egg - it will always spawn as a baby.


On death

Item Roll Chance Quantity (Default) Quantity (Looting I) Quantity (Looting II) Quantity (Looting III)
Grid Uranium.png Uranium 100% 20-40 20-43 20-46 20-49
Grid Uranium Shard.png Uranium Shard 100% 10-20 10-23 10-16 10-29


When idle, a Tremorzilla will aimlessly wander around, making heavy thumping noises, violently shaking the screen for all players on the ground within 64 blocks of it, and dealing 2♥ damage to any players or mobs it collides with as it walks - occasionally, it may growl. As well as this, it will make not make any attempt to avoid obstacles, destroying any blocks with a blast resistance of 15 or less it touches. A Tremorzilla is incapable of destroying barriers, bedrock, command blocks, End portal blocks, End gateway blocks, jigsaw blocks, lights, moving pistons, reinforced deepslate, structure blocks, and Volcanic Cores. If /gamerule mobGriefing is false, it will be unable to destroy any kind of block. Due to its size, it can step up 1 full block without having to jump.

In addition to walking, a Tremorzilla is capable of swimming through water more than 2 blocks deep. It is usually 11 blocks tall and 4.5 blocks wide, but switches to a height of 4 blocks and width of 5 blocks when swimming. It will attempt to return to the land if it spends more than 15 seconds swimming freely. It can also swim through acid and lava, behaving no differently in both liquids from how it would in water.

A Tremorzilla can passively regenerate health, and will regenerate at different rates depending on how much health it has. Usually, it will regenerate 2♥ every 5 seconds. If on 50% health (250♥ × 125) or below, it will start to regenerate 3♥♥ every second; if on 20% health (100♥ × 50) or below, it will start to regenerate 5♥♥♥ every half a second. In addition to this, if affected by Irradiated, it will heal by 12♥ × 6 and remove the effect - if affected by multiple levels of Irradiated, it will heal by a multiplier of that level.

A Tremorzilla will follow any player that holds out Waste Drums or Nuclear Bombs within a 6-block radius.

As a dinosaur, the Tremorzilla is able to stand on dinosaur eggs without trampling them.


A Tremorzilla will occasionally roar after a minimum of 15 seconds. Any mob within 64 blocks of the Tremorzilla - with the exception of the Luxtructosaurus in addition to Tremorsaurus or other Tremorzilla - will quickly run away from it for 1.5 seconds when it roars; the Tremorzilla's roar will also cause the screen to furiously shake for all players on the ground within 64 blocks of it. It will also roar upon entering its hostile state if it has not done so less than 15 seconds beforehand.


A Tremorzilla will retaliate against players or mobs that hit its torso, remaining hostile until its attacker dies or gets more than 128 blocks away from it - being a multi-part mob, it will not start attacking if hit anywhere else. When fighting targets, the Tremorzilla will use any of the following melee attacks when within 3 blocks of them:

  • Bite: A Tremorzilla will briefly lean forward to bite at a target, dealing 10♥♥♥♥♥ damage to all targets within 7.5 blocks in front of it and knocking them 2 blocks back in addition to breaking any blocks within 4 blocks in front of it.
  • Claw Swipe: A Tremorzilla will lean sideways and raise its left or right arm before swiping at a target with it, dealing 10♥♥♥♥♥ damage to all targets within 6 blocks in front of it and knocking them 2 blocks back in addition to breaking any blocks within 3 blocks in front of it.
  • Stomp: A Tremorzilla will raise its left or right foot off the ground before slamming it back down, dealing 10♥♥♥♥♥ damage to all targets within a 2-block radius and knocking them 2 blocks back in addition to causing the screen to violently shake for all players on the ground within 64 blocks. If swimming, it will be unable to perform this attack.
  • Tail Whip: A Tremorzilla will curl its tail sideways before pivoting around and swinging it at a target, dealing 10♥♥♥♥♥ damage to all targets within 4 blocks to the side it swung its tail and knocking them 2 blocks back in addition to breaking any blocks within 3 blocks to that side. If swimming, it will be unable to perform this attack.

Energy beam

During combat, a Tremorzilla will occasionally begin to charge up, causing the 6 sets of plates on its back to retract into its body while radiating green light and emitting droning hums that gradually intensify, in addition to activating any Nuclear Sirens in a 256-block radius; each set of plates will retract every 0.95 seconds. Once the last set of plates (on the Tremorzilla's neck) retracts, it will emit a droning chirp - should the Tremorzilla be within 3-100 blocks away from its target, it will then briefly throw its head back before firing a beam of energy at them. A Tremorzilla's energy beam can fire up to a distance of 100 blocks, and deals 20♥ × 10 damage to all targets within a 7.5-block radius every half a second in addition to inflicting Irradiated III for 5 minutes - it will also destroy any blocks within a 4-block radius (unless /gamerule mobGriefing is false). After a maximum of 12 seconds, the Tremorzilla will lose its charge and stop firing its beam, at which point it will emit a loud fizzling sound, all the plates on its back will extend out of its body and stop glowing, and steam will come out of its mouth for another 10 seconds. After 50 seconds, it will be able to use its energy beam attack again, as indicated by its plates beginning to glow again.

If a Nucleeper is killed by a Tremorzilla's energy beam, it will drop a Fusion Disc Fragment.


A Tremorzilla is immune to fall, fire, lava, burning, and freezing damage, and takes 100% less knockback in addition to 65% less damage from projectiles.

Due to its own ability to roar, a Tremorzilla will not run away when a nearby Tremorsaurus or Luxtructosaurus roars. Due to its immense size, it also cannot be possessed by the Totem of Possession.


A Tremorzilla can be tamed by feeding it a minimum of 4 Waste Drums - once tamed, it will not accept any more. Each Waste Drum after the 4th has a 1⁄3 chance of taming the Tremorzilla. Once a Tremorzilla is tamed, sneaking while interacting with it causes it to cycle between one of the following behaviors:

  • Wander: The Tremorzilla aimlessly wanders about. This is its default behavior upon being tamed, so commanding it to switch to other behaviors is ideal for preventing it from wandering off.
  • Stay: The Tremorzilla lies down and stays in place.
  • Follow: The Tremorzilla follows its owner, teleporting to them if they are too far away.

By interacting with a tamed Tremorzilla without sneaking, the player can mount it. Once mounted, it can be controlled by WASD controls as well as the mouse, and can be dismounted with the left Shift key; punching also causes it to use a melee attack. As well as this, a special meter near the bottom center of the screen will slowly fill up. Once the meter is full, pressing G will trigger the sequence for the Tremorzilla's energy beam attack in addition to causing the meter to fully deplete, with the meter's border flashing a bright green during the attack's charge-up phase. When the beam is firing, it can be controlled by the mouse, and will always stop after 10 seconds.

Similarly to wolves, tamed Tremorzilla that have not been ordered to stay will attack players or mobs that their owner attacks, or those that damage their owner unless the target has the same owner; as well as this, they will not attack Ghasts or tamed animals, but they will attack Creepers if their owner commands them to. Similarly to wild Tremorzilla, tamed Tremorzilla will roar before attacking if they have not done so less than 10 seconds beforehand, inflicting Weakness on any susceptible mobs within 64 blocks of them for 10 seconds in addition to causing them to quickly run away; as well as this, they can attack regularly while mounted in addition to doing so on command.


Two Tremorzilla can be bred with Nuclear Bombs. After breeding, one of the Tremorzilla will seek out dirt and start vigorously digging at it for a few seconds before laying an egg and replacing the dirt block under it with Unrefined Waste. Similarly to turtle eggs, Tremorzilla eggs will drop as an item when mined using any tool enchanted with Silk Touch, otherwise breaking and not dropping anything - unlike most other dinosaur eggs, however, they cannot be trampled. If caught in a Nuclear Bomb or Nucleeper explosion, they will hatch, and the resulting Tremorzilla hatchlings will take 1 day to reach adulthood.

After breeding once, Tremorzilla will be unable to breed again for 5 minutes.

Easter Eggs


Tremorzilla will dance if they are within 5 blocks of a jukebox playing music. Like other dinosaurs, they will continue to dance as long as the music disc remains in the jukebox and the music is still ongoing - unlike other dinosaurs, however, they will hop up and down for as long as they are dancing. While dancing, they will stay in place, not reacting to players or other mobs in any capacity.

Amber Curiosity

Using an Amber Curiosity on a Tremorzilla causes it to have a special "retro" texture with black skin, a purple glow, red eyes, and white teeth and claws. This is a reference to the Mobzilla from Orespawn, a viral mod that first released in April 2013 and received continuous updates until November 2020, before being taken down by TheyCallMeDanger, the main mod author.

Tectonic Shard

Using a Tectonic Shard on a Tremorzilla causes it to have a special "eruption" texture with dark brown skin, an orange glow, and black claws.


1.1.0 Introduced.
1.1.1 Fixed a bug where it would not follow its owner correctly.
Fixed a bug where it would get stuck falling in waterfalls.
1.1.2 Fixed a bug where it would randomly teleport while moving.
Fixed a bug where it would get stuck in cobwebs.
Fixed a bug where baby Tremorzilla would gain adult-sized hitboxes when swimming.
1.1.3 Fixed a bug where its energy beam attack would disconnect players from servers.


  • Having obviously been inspired by the famous kaiju Godzilla, the Tremorzilla references many different Godzilla films.
    • Its egg only hatching when caught in nuclear explosions reflects Godzilla's nature as a monster created by the atomic bombings of 1945, mainly in the original film as well as recent retellings like Godzilla Minus One. By extension, its nature as a mutated Tremorsaurus reflects Godzilla’s nature as a mutant dinosaur, also in Godzilla Minus One in addition to Heisei-era films such as Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah.
    • Its energy beam charge-up animation is a reference to the atomic breath scene from Godzilla Minus One. Interestingly enough, however, it seems to be a subversion of that scene - Godzilla's plates extend from his back when he charges up his atomic breath, as opposed to the retraction of the Tremorzilla's plates.
      • In addition to this, the steam that comes out of its mouth after it finishes firing its energy beam is a reference to the atomic breath scene from Shin Godzilla.
    • Its dancing animation is a reference to the victory dance from Invasion of Astro-Monster, which was infamous enough to become a meme due to the very absurdity of the scene.
    • The glowing creases in its chest are a reference to an unused Godzilla design for Godzilla: Final Wars, currently available as a collectible. Noonyeyz considers this design his favorite, and uses its glowing chest scales in many of his own takes on Godzilla.
    • While only loosely related to the Tremorzilla, the Fusion Music Disc track starts with the first 7 notes of Godzilla's iconic theme.
  • Tremorzilla are classified as "cave creatures" - they are functionally very similar to creatures, but can only spawn underground. However, cave creature spawn rules do not apply to them, as they can only spawn by hatching from an egg.
  • Tremorzilla are one of the few mobs in the mod to be animated with inverse kinematics - their legs will shift upwards or downwards to appear as if they are always touching a block.
  • Tremorzilla use similar idle, biting, and stepping sounds to Tremorsaurus, albeit pitched down (and underlaid with metallic creaking in the case of the latter) - this reflects their nature as mutated Tremorsaurus.
    • Despite this, however, Tremorzilla do not create any ripples when near water or a cauldron (most likely due to their ability to swim).
  • The Tremorzilla was originally a joke suggestion made by Noonyeyz during development of the Toxic Caves - however, Alexthe666 showed genuine interest in the idea, and thus, they had both developed it further, with Noonyeyz making concept art for it.
    • According to the concept art, creating and taming the Tremorzilla would have involved a "betrayal" mechanic, starting with the player triggering a nuclear explosion on their tamed Tremorsaurus. The resulting Tremorzilla would slowly move towards their former owner's spawn point, destroying everything in sight with its breath attacks upon getting there - the player would have to impede its advance with explosives in order to tame it. This was later scrapped due to having been deemed too convoluted.
      • As part of that same concept, the Tremorzilla would have been capable of a basic fire breath attack in addition to its energy beam. For unknown reasons, this idea was also scrapped.
    • At one point, Noonyeyz referred to the Tremorzilla as the Tremojira, intending for that name to be its official one until Alexthe666 decided to go back to the old one upon starting development for the Eruption Update.
  • The Tremorzilla's Cave Compendium entry is a secret entry, and will not appear in Cave Compendiums obtained in Creative.
  • Due to its extreme regenerative capabilities and its devastating energy beam attack, one should NOT attempt to fight a Tremorzilla under any circumstances, and should instead tame it as intended.
  • During the months leading up to the launch of the Eruption Update, it was said that the Tremorzilla would never be able to kill the Luxtructosaurus if both fought each other one-on-one at full health. This statement has been proven false, as the Tremorzilla's abilities allow it to get the upper hand over the Luxtructosaurus.
    • Interestingly enough, however, a Tremorzilla will often die to a Hullbreaker in a one-on-one fight, since its abilities do not work as well against strong aquatic enemies.
  • The Tremorzilla's ability to destroy blocks with its energy beam specifically can be toggled on or off in the general config file.
