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Teletor are common flying hostile mobs found in the Magnetic Caves. They carry iron tools above their heads, which can be used to attack targets from afar.

Cave Compendium Entry

"Meditating over the floor of the Magnetic Caves is the Teletor, Galena-covered beings of dubious origin. Although they may seem calm and collected while doing this, Teletor are extremely hostile. Above their large, magnetic heads usually rests an iron tool of some kind. This tool is their main weapon, and they can move it back and forth to deal continuous ranged damage. These tools can be anything from a weak iron hoe to an enchanted iron sword. Using their magnetic mediation powers, Teletor have the latent ability to fly, although only at slow speeds. They can strafe in the air while attacking, making them a danger to any explorers of the Magnetic Caves. If slain, a Teletor can drop a Telecore with some Scarlet and Azure Neodymium. This makes them a renewable resource of these precious minerals - although this comes at a cost."

- Dr. Prof. Alexander Caverns, PhD.


Teletor can spawn anywhere in the Magnetic Caves.


On death

Item Roll Chance Quantity (Default) Quantity (Looting I) Quantity (Looting II) Quantity (Looting III)
Raw azure neodymium.png Raw Azure Neodymium 100% 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5
Raw scarlet neodymium.png Raw Scarlet Neodymium 100% 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5
Grid Telecore.png Telecore 100% 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4


Teletor will attack any player within a 32-block radius - they do not attack any other mob without provocation. When idle, they will hover above the ground, occasionally flying through the air to change positions before floating back down. When attacking, though, they will fly high above their target.

Teletor will spawn with an iron tool of any kind floating above their head. When within a clear line of sight, their heads will start to levitate above their bodies, and they will launch the tool at a target - the tool will then chase its target around until it successfully hits them or is blocked by a shield, at which point it will return to the Teletor. Stronger iron tools will allow a Teletor to deal more damage with each strike.

When attacking, a Teletor will chase down its target, strafing around in a random fashion once it gets within 16 blocks of them. It is recommended to use Seeking Arrows or a Galena Gauntlet against a Teletor, as it is capable of dodging standard arrows and it typically flies too high for a melee weapon to be of any use.

Teletor are immune to the Magnetizing effect.


1.0.0 Introduced.


  • Teletor were the first mobs added to Alex's Caves.
  • As a Teletor's tool is a separate entity from the main mob, it can get caught on blocks as it flies towards its target.
  • Teletor are one of the five mobs that had their texture changed between their implementation and the mod's release.
