Amber is a naturally generating block that can be found in the Primordial Caves.
Natural generation
Amber naturally generates as part of Amber Blobs on the ceilings of the Primordial Caves. Amber Blobs always contain one block of Ambersol.
Amber can also be crafted using Pewen Sap.
Ingredients | Crafting recipe |
Pewen Sap |
Amber is used to craft Amber Monoliths.
Ingredients | Crafting recipe |
Limestone + Amber + Amber Curiosity + Diamond |
Amber Curiosities
Amber has a 1.5% chance to drop an Amber Curiosity instead of itself when broken. A Fortune-enchanted pickaxe increases the chance of an Amber Curiosity drop to 2.5% with Fortune I, 3.5% with Fortune II, and 5% with Fortune III. Note that Fortune does not increase the number of Amber Curiosities dropped.
Dinosaur Eggs
Dinosaur Eggs placed on top of Amber will never hatch. Amber is one of only five blocks to have this property, the others being Amber Monoliths and all three types of Ice.