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In the bigger Oxidized Seabases you may encounter a room filled with water that has a Valve. Upon turning the wheel, the room is drained of water. This is possible through the Drain block.

Drain blocks are found in Oxidized Seabases and through crafting. They are crafted with two Depth Charges, six Buckets, and one Redstone Dust.

Drains are Redstone-conductive blocks, that when activated, drain an area of water one block layer per second. If one is placed in the floor of a room surrounded by water and filled with water, it will drain the water from the room it is in when powered. If one is placed in the ceiling of a room surrounded by water but not filled with water, it will fill the room with water, taking it from the water above it. It will not work if the top of the block is not exposed to water or if the bottom of the block is not exposed to air or water.