Hologram Projector

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The Hologram Projector is a block that is able to project holograms of any mob using bound Holocoders.



Hologram Projectors are crafted with Glass, Notor Gizmos, and Iron Ingots.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Glass +
Notor Gizmo +
Iron Ingots
Notor GizmoNotor GizmoNotor Gizmo
Hologram Projector


A Hologram Projector can project a hologram of any mob, even those from other mods, when a bound Holocoder is used on it. The hologram uses a color palette consisting of shades of blue and gray, and does not play any animations except for the player's punching animation.

Hologram Projectors can rotate their projected holograms if given a Redstone signal. Stronger Redstone signals will cause the hologram to rotate faster, and weaker Redstone signals will make it rotate slower.




1.0.0 Introduced.
1.0.9 Fixed Deep One Mage Hologram.
2.0.1 Fixed Caramel Cube and Gummy Bear Hologram