Template:Sprites/InvSprite/Alexs Caves/doc

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This is the documentation page. It should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Documentation for more information
This template uses Module:Sprite, with data stored in Module:InvSprite/Alexs Caves.
These scripts are written in Lua.

This template displays an inventory image.

The spritesheet.


Name Usage
|name= Sets the image.
|link= Sets the link for the image and the optional text. If unset or set to none, no link is added
Supports both internal and external links
|text= If set, the value is displayed as text after the image.
|scale= Sets the scale of the image. If unset the default parameter is 1.


{{Sprites/InvSprite/Alexs_Caves|Spelunkery Table}}

Available images

All Caves

    • Cave Biome Map
    • Cave Codex
    • Cave Compendium
    • Cave Tablet
    • Spelunkery Table

Magnetic Caves

    • Arrow of Magnetizing
    • Azure Neodymium Ingot
    • Ferrouslimeball
    • Galena Gauntlet
    • Heavyweight
    • Holocoder
    • Lingering Potion of Magnetizing
    • Magnetic Quarry Smasher
    • Notor Gizmo
    • Polarity Armor Trim
    • Potion of Magnetizing
    • Raw Azure Neodymium
    • Raw Scarlet Neodymium
    • Resistor Shield
    • Scarlet Neodymium Ingot
    • Seeking Arrow
    • Splash Potion of Magnetizing
    • Telecore

Primordial Caves

    • Amber Curiosity
    • Bucket of Trilocaris
    • Cooked Trilocaris Tail
    • Dinosaur Nugget
    • Dinosaur Pottery Sherd
    • Extinction Spear
    • Fiddlehead
    • Footprint Pottery Sherd
    • Heavy Bone
    • Limestone Spear
    • Ominous Catalyst
    • Pewen Boat
    • Pewen Boat with Chest
    • Pewen Sap
    • Pine Nuts
    • Primitive Club
    • Primordial Armor Set
    • Primordial Soup
    • Raw Trilocaris Tail
    • Seething Stew
    • Serene Salad
    • Tectonic Shard
    • Tough Hide
    • Tree Star

Toxic Caves

    • Bottle of Radon
    • Bucket of Acid
    • Bucket of Radgill
    • Charred Remnant
    • Cinder Brick
    • Cooked Radgill
    • Fissile Core
    • Fusion Disc Fragment
    • Fusion Music Disc
    • Green Soylent
    • Hazmat Armor Set
    • Item/Radgill
    • Polymer Plate
    • Raygun
    • Remote Detonator
    • Slam
    • Spelunkie
    • Sulfur Dust
    • Toxic Paste
    • Uranium
    • Uranium Shard

Abyssal Chasm

    • Arrow of Deepsight
    • Arrow of Glowing
    • Bioluminesscence
    • Bucket of Gossamer Worm
    • Bucket of Lanternfish
    • Bucket of Sea Pig
    • Bucket of Tripodfish
    • Cooked Lanternfish
    • Cooked Mussel
    • Cooked Tripodfish
    • Deep Sea Sushi Roll
    • Depth Charge
    • Diving Armor Set
    • Floater
    • Game Controller
    • Gazing Pearl
    • Glow Ink Bomb
    • Guardian Pottery Sherd
    • Hero Pottery Sherd
    • Immortal Embryo
    • Ink Bomb
    • Item/Lanternfish
    • Item/Sea Pig
    • Item/Tripodfish
    • Lingering Potion of Deepsight
    • Lingering Potion of Glowing
    • Magic Conch
    • Marine Snow
    • Mussel
    • Ortholance
    • Pearl
    • Ping Pong Sponge
    • Potion of Deepsight
    • Potion of Glowing
    • Sea Glass Shards
    • Sea Staff
    • Splash Potion of Deepsight
    • Splash Potion of Glowing
    • Submarine

Forlorn Hollows

    • Arrow of Haste
    • Burrowing Arrow
    • Corrodent Teeth
    • Dark Tatters
    • Darkened Apple
    • Desolate Dagger
    • Dreadbow
    • Fertilizer
    • Guano
    • Hood & Cloak of Darkness
    • Lingering Potion of Haste
    • Moth Dust
    • Occult Gem
    • Potion of Haste
    • Pure Darkness
    • Shadow Silk
    • Splash Potion of Haste
    • Thornwood Boat
    • Thornwood Boat with Chest
    • Totem of Possession
    • Vesper Stew
    • Vesper Wing


    • Default

Animated icons

See Category:Animated inventory icons for a list of animated icons.
They can be used like the static icons above, just omit the Invslot prefix and extension from the file name.

See also